Video games advantages

Many people thank play video game just for pass the time but they’re wrong, play video game can let player relax and improves the imagination. When you play online you can talk to other player and make friends and can recognize a lot of gaming industry experts. If you play lots Ps3, Xbox and Psp this kind for video game will imporobrove your eye-hand coordination. Some of video game can also learn about history. Also can exercise eyesight, typing speed and reaction. Also a lots of games will have contest winner can get big prize. In video game can be arbitrary killings people and in real world are not all owed that’s very good. If you always play simulation game at can improve you IQ. Next video game can change to movies, ova, and animation. Some of people may don’t know what ova are; ova mines (original video animation) just have one episode animation. But lots video games are animation adapted from. Many people are dammed the animation, movies, ova because they like that video so mach.

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