The Rom


There are many museums in Toronto like the Rom (known as the Royal Ontario Museum). On Wednesday may 20th, my class went to the Rom for day and it was fun. We got there on the TTC bus and the subway. We got there a little late like around 10:15 cause in the morning some people didn’t got the changes right for the bus. When we got there we put our pack back in the hook thingy that they give us and started touring. The first thing we saw was the first people in Canada, it was very interesting because we saw paintings that the first people paint, boats and many more. The second thing we saw was the Chinese things like the culture and stuffs. They also show like how people wear in the past and how famous places look like long time ago. I learn lots of different stuff there that I didn’t know, even though I’m Chinese. The third place we saw we the animal thing, we saw many different kinds of animal even the one that aren’t in the world anymore. But the sad part was that all the animal in here were all dead even the ones that are still in the world. Then we went and saw a animal show, we saw a ringtail lemur, it was very cool and interesting watching how his leg go down so low and then jump so high the the other stand that they got for him to jump. Then when the show ended, the person that show us al those cool thing gives each one of us a card, each card have different animal and it give information of this animal. Then we went for lunch, we were kind of hungry and we have like 20 minutes to finish our lunch so we could get back to touring again. The fourth things we saw was the dinosaurs, it was the first time I saw a real dinosaurs in front of me.  The fifth place we went to the Egypt and we saw a mummy it was very cool we could see the toenail and the hand of the mummy. Then we went to the Greek area, it was very funny that make Mr. Borges went away from there and went to the next around. And the sixth thing we went was the South East Asian and the Africa it was kind of boring there. And the last thing we went was the bat cave it was very scary for me because it was very dark and scary!!!! My friends keep on scaring me but it was funny at the same time. This trip was very fun I hope next time, we could go again!

3 thoughts on “The Rom”

  1. YO! I love the rom! It’s so interesting. I love the amazing dinosaur bones and the creepy mummys! I also love the beautiful paintings there.

  2. i LOVE the ROM. i’ve been there once, and i love it there! i like the dinosaur parts best =D! it looks SOOOO COOL!! XD

  3. yo man, i love the ROM…

    they got some cool stuff on Chinese people, you know, and some things on dinosaurs, fish, and really old stuff like that. been there a couple of times, but not for long. liked it for the time i was there, though.

    ps. borges made me type that

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