Salmon Life Cycle Inforgraphic
There Are Many Ways To Stop A Zombie
There are many ways to stop a zombie. First of all, to stop a zombie you can chop it’s head. You can hit the head with a baseball bat or shoot the head and destroy his brain Also you can use a knife to stab the head. You can also chop its head with an axe. You can also pretend to be a zombie so zombies would think that you are zombie too. You can run and hide so the zombies can’t find you. If you use a gun you need to shoot the head so zombies will die and not come after you. These are all the ways to stop a zombie.
There Are Many Ways To Stop A Zombie
There are many way to stop a zombies. Second,You can chop off the zombies head. We can also stop a zombie with a baseball bat to hit the zombies head. Pretend you are a zombie so the zombies will not kill you.You can hide a zombie so the zombie will not see you. I can shoot the arrow to stop the zombie. I can destroy the zombie with a sword. There are many to stop a zombie. I can use a knife to stop the zombie. Mr Borges can stop the zombie.I can shoot the zombies head.I can use fire to kill the zombie because the fire can hurt the zombie. When the zombie comes up to me I will kill the zombie. I can stop a zombie with fire arrow. When I shoot the fire arrow the zombie will stop.These are many ways to stop a zombies