Category Archives: Student Life

My Blog About The First Week Of School

The last few weeks of school have been fun. On the first week of school we had harmony week, where we did a whole bunch of cool things. We did activities such as sports day were it was sports for the whole morning and scavenger hunts and a lot more. Last week we did lots of activities in honor of Terry Fox. We raised money for cancer research and just guess how much we made?!! Okay, I’ll just tell you: over one thousand ^-^. Our school also had hat day were we were allowed to wear a hat for the whole day and a causal day were we didn’t have to wear a uniform. Of course we had to pay money to have those things, but the money went to a good cause. On this past Friday we had our first P.A day were we didn’t go to school. On that day the teachers meets or some thing like that, sucks to be them. These last few weeks had been fun so far at school in grade 8.

grade 7-8 year

Grade 7 was a very horrible year for me.  I never studied for tests.  Last year had been so, and 45 on the test. I was horrible in the entire subject. In family studies my teacher calling my mom because I wasn’t doing work in class. My other teacher called my mom because I wasn’t doing my work in class either but over all it was a good year not what I was looking for but I’ll take it. It was a tremendous swing in grade 8. It was completely different so fare there’s no competes from my teachers. In school all my teacher likes me. In French I am doing so well that I might get my way this year. English too I am having a blast. I am starting to study all the time. That will lead to high marks in high marks for my French test I got 82 and 87. I hope I can make my marks even better than last year.