All posts by linhsp

Shark Fin Soup

Shark finning should be done in small amounts and in a less harmful way. Shark fin soup is important to the Asian culture because they believe it would bring them good fortune. So it is to find a way to provide them with shark fin soup. Also if we stop shark finning the fisherman is going to lose money and not going to be able to feed their family. If restaurants can’t serve shark fin, people that work in the restaurant are also going to lose money. Now, one of the problem that we need to fix is stop killing sharks in a cruel way. For example, catching them and cutting off their fins with a hot knife then just dumping them back in the water and letting them bleed to death is very cruel. Another problem that people need to fix is that if they want to kill the shark, they shouldn’t wast the rest of the shark’s body parts. These are some of the reasons about why should we ban shark fin soup and why shouldn’t we.

Japanese Drumming, Lion Dance and Kung Fu

I started to join the club for the Japanese drumming, the lion dance and the Kung Fu on June 15, 2012. I met my teacher when I moved into my new house which is an apartment and we live on the same floor. He and his wife is really nice to me and the other students at the club. For example, they took me and the other students to places during the summer for fun. I still remember that it was a Friday when I joined the club because we usually have class on Friday. The next day, the teacher called me and he said we have a show and he needs me to go so I was so scared that I was shaking and my face was all red during the show, even though I was only playing the symbol. By the way, we had a lion dance performance. One thing that I leaned is about drumming is that only the female can play the drum and be in the spotlight and the male are doing the lion dance but if the girl is strong enough, she can also do the lion dance. I also learned that we have to know how to play the Japanese drum before the Chinese which is for the lion dance. I was a very weak girl when I first joined the club and the teacher wasn’t so happy about that because we have to play as hard as we can on the drum so whenever we play the drum, I played as hard as I can, I got blisters. Now that I’ve been there for almost a year now, I got much stronger than before and I had lots and lots of fun there.

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

By: William Wordsworth.

I wondered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils,

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze


The poem “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” makes me feel wonderful. This is why I chose this poem. I chose this poem for many different reasons. First of all, this poem makes me calm when I’m mad or it sometimes makes me happy when I read it while I’m angry. It also makes me feel like I’m floating in the sky. The line in the poem that says “that float on high o’er vales and hills” makes me feel like this. When I read this poem, the images that pop into my head are coconut trees, beautiful clouds and pretty grasses with flowers on top. I’m just imagining lying on the grass and looking up the sky. The line in the poem” beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze” makes me feel like this. When I read this poem, I feel that it is telling me to calm down and relax and it actually works because I do feel calm. These are some of the reasons why I chose this poem. The poem “I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” makes me feel wonderful.