My blog about is the Ottawa trip

My blog is about the Ottawa trip in June. When we go to Ottawa for 3 days we will be rooming with four people. We are going to be visiting lots of places with our school but there are times during the trip where we get to hang with our friends and go shopping on our own.  At night time we are going to be having dinner at the Tucker’s Marketplace restaurant. Then the next day we are going to the banquet where we meet other schools. At the banquet, we will be talking to the other students to try and get to know them a lot better and hang with them too.  We will also be having a dance after dinner.  I’ve never been to Ottawa before….I know that we might go to the Byward Market so I’m really looking forward to that.

Weird thing that happend to me all true

Hi it’s me.  The freakiest thing happened to me today (that’s saying a lot for a girl with my type of friends).  I was walking to school and then I saw a flashing thing in the tree.  First I thought I was it was a bird. (Like birds can shine, but I was half asleep).  I walk over to the tree and there was this key chain thing with a bell on it hanging on the tree. So I threw it on the street because I didn’t need it.  I walk for a little bit down the street and there on the floor, I swear, there it was.  I picked it up and decided to keep it.  Then it started to rain and I forgot to bring my umbrella (and that was dumb of me because there were clouds in the sky) and of course, I was getting wet and I’m yelling at the rain (not helping).  When I was just about to get more wet, I wished the rain would stop then shook my hand that had the key chain init and then, and I am not kidding I swear on my grave, five seconds later it stopped raining!  Cool huh?  Later on, when I was at school, my x-friend took the key chain away from me.  She said that it was dumb and stuff.  In my head, I said that something bad would happen to her and I was right!  She was going to run away from me with the key chain when some dude’s locker flung open and hit her right in the face!  The guy said he was sorry and I did get my trinket back.  I went outside and showed my friends this strange thing and told them how dorky it was and just as a got to the field I tripped and fell on the wet ground.  Now I have watch what I say around this thing.  This was all true.

My March Break

During March break I did a lot of cool things and yes sometimes it was boring. During the March break I went swimming in an inside pool, even though I don’t know how to swim that well, but I’ve been practicing.  I went with 3 of my friends and my sister and we had fun.  We went on  the slide which was all over the place.  It was really fun and I was kind scared to go on it because you go really fast down it and I like i said don’t know how to swim.  But I got through it. Another thing I did during the march break was I went to the mall with my friends and we had good time fooling around, buying things like hair dye.  I Was suppose to go to  the movies but my mom bought movies instead and ordered pizza so I invited my friends to come over and watch it.  After awhile the we thought the movie was boring and so we just went outside and went to the park to play.  We played tennis and took pictures to.  The March break was okay and we had a good time.  Well I had a good time with family and friends and sleeping in too.  Yes it was boring but I still had fun.

Mon petit frère en train de naître

Il a été 20 Mai 2006, quand ma mère m’a dit que je recevais un nouveau petit frère. J’étais si heureuse, je ne pouvais même pas dormir. J’ai été en attente d’ourlet à venir au cours de l’été, j’étais encore en cours à ma mère de l’échographie pour voir comment le bébé a été. Ensuite, il a été le 23 août 2006 et j’ai entendu le bébé était un garçon. Alors je suis sorti du shopping de vêtements, de jouets, de parcs et d’ourlet. Alors, le jour 11 Décembre, 2006 mon petit frère est né. Quand ma mère allait à la livraison, je dois y aller avec elle et j’ai eu la chance de voir mon frère né. Il a été le cutes chose que j’ai jamais vu, et j’ai souri quand il sourit de retour à moi. Alors, ma mère était à l’hôpital pour une semaine si ses amis est venu et m’a donc je peux plus dormir à la maison il ya pour toute la semaine. Puis j’ai eu de rentrer à la maison le vendredi et mon petit frère était là et il a regardé presque comme moi. Puis-je mettre fin à ourlet et il a mis son bras autour de moi et je me suis senti vraiment bien. Quand ma mère m’a dit à un petit frère j’ai été heureux, mais quand il est sorti j’ai été encore plus heureux.

(written by one of our very talented and uber bi-lingual students…tres bon, non?)

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