Narrative Writing

Narrative Writing

Narration: To narrate means to tell a story. Narration has characters and a story line.

I am a black hole. I have a mom a dad and a sister. My next friend is close to the earth but I am somewhere near Pluto and my dad is in the next galaxy. From what humans know, we are the only five black holes in the whole universe but I don’t know if there are more of us. They say that in three years the sun will die then it might turn into a black hole but he’s not a part of my family tree. We have to show our respect to any newcomer holes but when we get too close together we die so we talk telepathically through galaxies. We see every thing in the universe. We can kill planets if we want. Why do you think there are no aliens? Next time we see a good-looking space ship we are taking it to a next galaxy with no survivors. We haven’t eaten a crunchy meal in a long time, around 70 million years actually. How do you think we feel not eating in such a long time? Not even light can escape our pull! You can die in a nana second. We control time and space. We can read your thoughts. We control your planet. We are way smarter than your so-called scientists. We are smarter than every one in the universe all together. Only three sources of energy can cause us to detonate: ourselves, another black hole and God.

One thought on “Narrative Writing”

  1. Black holes story. Just live your life like every day was your last and see black holes…. Becuase there closer then you think. Such is life

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