A day in a Slave’s life

Slaves had a very poor life. Slaves were tortured and they didn’t get good food or shelter. Once a year they got  two linen shirts, two pairs of trousers , one jacket, one pair of socks, one pair of shoes, an overcoat, and a wool hat. Slaves worked outside in the field or they worked in the house to clean the owner’s house. A slave’s husband had to be parted from his wife and kids when they were sold as slave. When a baby was born their mother had to wait until it was 10 or 12 months and their mother could be sold. When they got to the age of 4 or 5 they had to baby-sit and when they turned to the age of 7 they worked in the field. By the age of 9 they were expected to be working. If a slave didn’t do something right they got punished and they could be killed, if they Murdered, stole from or assaulted a white person. A slave’s house was not comfortable. The bed was made by straw or grass and old rags and one blanket for covering. In one room they had at least one-dozen people. Slaves had a very poor life.

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